Here’s a recommendation for your quarantine down time: memorize Scripture.
We haven’t talked a lot about Scripture memorization lately. It’s not one of the main themes of Ecclesiastes and so I’ve spent more time talking about other ways of enjoying your life. But I was reminded about the value of knowing Scripture from the heart recently.
I had the painful privilege of doing a hospital visit for one of our oldest members — painful because I was sad she was hurting, but a privilege to spend those tender moments with her in the hospital room. Her hearing is very poor, and she struggled to understand me through my mask without seeing my mouth. But when I started reading Psalm 23, she intuitively started reciting it with me, knowing all the words I was about to say. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6) Undoubtedly, she is in the hardest days of her life, with very little earthly comfort. How can she enjoy this life? By knowing God’s Word.
We can talk about the simple pleasures of this life, but the one thing that will never leave you is God’s Word. When you have nothing else, at least you have that. It’s never too late; start putting Scripture into your heart, one verse at a time.
For reflection:
— What prevents us from spending more time memorizing Scripture?
— What passages would you like to commit to memory?
— Need a place to start? Here are a few great passages for the Christian life: Psalm 23, Psalm 51, Psalm 46, Philippians 3:7-14, and Romans 8.
For further reading:
— Tim Challies, “Why Memorize Scripture?”