The Bible
The Bible is God’s divinely inspired Word, which teaches us everything we need to know about God, sin, salvation, and following Jesus Christ.
Both the Old and New Testament are relevant to instruct, correct, comfort, and equip the children of God.
God’s Spirit works within us to apply God’s Word to our lives and mature our faith in Jesus Christ.
The Christian Life
- We are saved by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ, not through anything we do.
Worship is not just for Sunday morning, but for all of life. Therefore, we nurture a vibrant relationship with God throughout the week in prayer, in Scripture reading, and in our shared lives together.
Christians are empowered by the Holy Spirit to resist sin in everyday life and to pursue the good of their neighbors in lives of attractive holiness.
Christians are called to care for the spiritually and physically needy and vulnerable, faithfully proclaiming the good news about Jesus Christ in our words and demonstrating it through our actions.
​The Church
Jesus Christ, God the Son, is the only Savior of the world and the living Head of the Church.
Worshiping God is the primary work of the Church. Such worship includes preaching the Word of God, offering ourselves to God through song and prayer, and enjoying the sacraments of baptism and communion.
The Church is unified by Jesus Christ, and called to live out this unity through the Spirit in our diversity of ages, genders, races, ethnicities, and social status.
Church leaders are elected by the congregation to serve. Church Elders serve by seeking to know the needs of the congregation and offer spiritual and pastoral care.