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General Offerings and Building Fund

Thank you for giving to Christ Church of Arlington. Your desire to give is an expression of both worship and gratitude for God’s grace. God doesn’t measure financial gifts by the numbers, but by the heart of the giver. CCA is a small congregation but the tremendous generosity of members and their outpouring of love has remained steady over the last 40 years. Your offerings help CCA bless neighbors with the Gospel. They also enable us to support mission groups worldwide, several local charities, many national denominational ministries, and local neighbors or members in need.

CCA's newly refreshed sanctuary, revealed at our

40th Anniversary Celebration on September 10, 2023 

Take Part in the restoration!

To be good stewards of our building and to invest in the church’s future, we are restoring and renewing many features of the sanctuary. This will increase the building’s longevity and improve overall aesthetics.


If you’d like to donate to this effort, please contribute to the Building Fund. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in making sure the church building is maintained and in good shape for years to come. 




You may make a general tithe donation, or a gift to the Building Fund, using any of these methods below.

All contributions are tax-deductible.





To give securely online, click the link below. You can make an online profile, make a one-time donation, or set up recurring donations. 









Checks or Cash 

Offerings and donations can be mailed to the church at

3020 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington, VA 22201

Or, you may drop off your donation at the church on
Sunday morning or by calling (703) 527-0420 for arrangements.
Please make checks payable to Christ Church of Arlington.  
Use the Memo line to say how you would like the funds
allocated -- Building Fund
, Capital Campaign, or other.



Other Gifts 

If you or anyone you know would like to give to CCA gifts of stock certificates, stock held in a brokerage account, mutual funds,
and or real estate, or interests in closely-held businesses,
this can be done through the PCA Foundation.

For details, please call their office directly at
(678) 825-1048 or (678) 825-1054.

(Be sure to specify Christ Church of Arlington's 
“Designated Fund” at PCAF.)

Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible. 



Prayer for the restoration

Please pray that our workers are kept safe, 
that financial needs wo
uld be provided for,
that our church would experience renewed energy
in our mission to our neighbors, and that
God would be glorified in the process and the work.




Please don't hesitate to call the church office at 
(703) 527-0420



Thank you!

© 2020 by Christ Church of Arlington


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